Today it was ORS and HEBE. I scrunched in about 3 half-dollar blobs of ORS and two nickel-sized blobs of HEBE. The result? No frizz, but also not much hold and no wave boosting. ORS does give me the sexy, just rolled out of bed waves, though. All in all, I think ORS will be interesting while it lasts, but I won’t repurchase.

Since my boyfriend is spending a few days with his brothers, I figured I would entertain myself by trying out different products from my stash. I ruled out LOOB yesterday so I decided to give ORS (on its own) a shot. I used about half a palmful for my hair and scrunch n’ pumped 8 times.

  • Pros: Light coconut scent ( yum!); moisturizing; hardly any frizz
  • Cons: Took forever to dry; resulted in stringy waves; not much hold

I don’t think I’ll repurchase it, but I will try it under a hard-holding gel. I like that it’s moisturizing and doesn’t cause any frizz, but I wish it had better hold.

I don’t think I like it. I tried two nickel-sized blobs today with some HEBE. There isn’t as much frizz as there was with used in combination with the ORS gel, but my waves are stringy with no shine whatsoever. Now, what to do with the two tubs I’ve got sitting in my drawer…

Today I used LOOB and ORS Twist and Lock gel with Sally’s generic PM sculpting lotion as a CK alternative. My hair is a bit stringy with frizz all over; I doubt my waves are going to last til the end of the day. I don’t think my hair likes LOOB….or the PM sculpting lotion for that matter. The first time I tried LOOB, I had just started the CG method so I attributed the crap hair day I had to my hair getting adjusted. I placed the LOOB at the back of my drawer to sit until my hair was used to the new routine.

I’ve been modified CG for about 8 months now and have been able to get consistently good hair days with some products, so I can’t chalk my so-so hair day to my hair getting adjusted. I’ll have to rule out which of the two is causing the frizz. I’m suspecting the LOOB because I have the dry feeling I experienced when using it the first time around. But who knows? All I can say is that I’m already missing my KCCC. Sigh. SO many bottles of gel and styling creme to go through. At least I know what products have been good to me so far…

ETA: definitely not a good hair day. As predicted, my waves lost their oomph and the frizz took over. Back to KCCC for tomorrow since I have to look good at the job fair. I’m starting to suspect that my hair doesn’t like PEG-hydrogenated castor oil. My hair felt a bit straw-like and dry – something I get with angell and arcangell, but to a lesser degree. The castor oil is pretty high up in the ingreds list with LOOB. Time will tell, but my gut is telling me this might be an ingredient to avoid.