I like! I did my usual routine of cowashing and using a rinseout but today I sloppily sectioned off, smoothed in zerran equalizer leave-in and scrunched in 2 quarter blobs of aura. The result was nice definition, hardly any frizz, and great waves.

I fear that it’s practically one of the few bottles left in the world. The BSS I found it in only had two bottles left and both were heavily discounted. Hence, my purchase. I get the feeling that my hair likes the lighter, more liquidy gels versus the heavier, viscous, the blob-stays-put-in-your-hand type of gels – HEBE, GF Bold it!, I’m looking at you….

I’m still liking the fine tooth comb method. Save for that odd area to the left where it looks like I didn’t separate that big honking clump, I think it’s pretty good. Not as wavy as zigazaga’s but I realize my wave pattern is much looser than hers.